Skate Park Poem

Enjoying fears.
Bleeding ears.
Freedom unchecked.
Communal respect.

Music and smoking.
Jeers and joking.
Pop a shove it
Girls love it.

Setting clothing trends
Until the day ends,
Channeling hate.
Playing SKATE.

Wearing Vans
As Ollie lands.
Backward hats.
Forearm tats.
Echoing bowls.
Chain-linked goals.

Smoking weed.
Need more speed.
Mental walls
End in stalls.

Twisted ankles
And face plants.
Won’t stop.
No chance.
Even with
Ripped pants,
Until I nail
This hand rail.

Complex grinds.
Conflicted minds.
Find solace in execution,
Unlocking revolution.

The Edge of His Cloak

Chess Poem