Who I Was 10 Years Ago: My 2009 New Years Resolutions

Who I Was 10 Years Ago: My 2009 New Years Resolutions

I found these in a journal from over a decade ago when I was a freshman in college and decided to type them up here. It’s funny to see what your younger self wanted ten years ago compared to now.

  1. Finish this journal, start the one that I have that looks cool.

  2. Travel to a foreign country (missions trip).

  3. [Personal spiritual goal]

  4. Get a job.

  5. Get back into modeling while I still have my hair.

  6. Keep my hair.

  7. No tickets.

  8. Become a good public speaker.

  9. Invest in money markets and open a retirement account.

  10. Don’t get a girlfriend.

  11. Experience God vividly and for-real.

  12. Go on an adventure.

  13. Catch a 13 inch fish.

  14. Find meaning and purpose at home so it’s not boring.

  15. Read the Bible more… cultivate an appreciation for God’s Word. Do the one-year bible.

  16. Get an A in a class spring semester.

  17. Become a leader of something.

  18. Work on being humble.

  19. Contribute/speak up more in student government meetings.

  20. Stay in shape. Never lose a six pack.

  21. Do not care what people think.

  22. Grow in confidence, wisdom, and selflessness.

  23. Find out what love is.

  24. Combine my spiritual life with my “real” life.

  25. Enjoy reading books.

  26. Use P.R.E.P. to express spoken ideas: P-point, R-reason, E-example, P-point again.

  27. Don’t judge people.

  28. Find myself, by myself, with only myself.

  29. Build something.

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